Lecture Outlines 2008

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Outlines will be posted in the grid below as they become available, usually after they are given.

1. Introduction

2. Understanding Conspiracy Theory

3. Common Conspiracy Motifs in the 9/11 Controversy

here we started doing the lectures somewhat out of the order listed on the syllabus . . . 

6. Conspiracy Theory Today: Evangelical Religion, the Family and the Devil (Satanism scare)

5. Conspiracy Theory Today: Race and Social Change

8. JFK: The Assassination in Context

9. JFK: History of the Conspiracy Theories

7. Enemies and Friends from Space: UFOs and Aliens in Postwar American Culture

10. Witchcraft: The American Conspiracy Theory

12. Competing Conspiracy Theories in the New American Nation (Illuminati and other subversives)

13. The Politics of Conspiracy Theory in 19th-Century America (Antimasonry, Anti- Catholicism, & Nativism)

15. Antisemitism and Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory